Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Week 2 WI and the Beck Diet Solution

I went to my week 2 WI, which was a victory in itself.  I missed my Sunday meeting because I slept in and instead of skipping a week (which I was tempted to do) I went to the meeting on Monday afternoon.  The scale showed a 3.6 lb. loss which with the previous week's gain is -.8 overall.  I wil admit that I spent 3 of the 7 days of last week not OP and completely in the red, so I will take the hit on the chin.  I did not earn my week 2 reward.  I am doing much better this week and I am looking forward to another week of being OP.

While reading the WW message boards I came across The Beck Diet Solution.  After a little more research and reading what people said about it I decided to buy the book.  Now for anyone not familiar with this program, it is a 42 day program that assists you in the cognitive aspect of losing weight.  I love this.  I love WW because it has taught me how to eat right and how to exercise, it has also taught me better choices for options of food.  The Beck Diet Solution will supposedly teach me how to stop sabotaging myself and to continuously make the better choices outlined by the WW program.  I love that I can do both and that this new program is not designed to discount what I have learned at WW.

So far I have read the first 3 chapters and began day 1 today.  A couple of notes about my dislikes before I continue on with what I like so far.
1. I don't like how she uses the term "thin" to describe people who are not struggling with food like I am.  I know plenty of "thin" people who eat more food than I do.  Naturally thin people don't always have a smaller appetite.  They may just be lucky to have a high metabolism, or they may be very active people.  Whatever the case, that sort of rubs me the wrong way, but I can ignore that for the time being.

2. One of her examples of responses to self-sabatoging thoughts is when you feel hungry to think "I don't need to eat now, lunch is in two hours."  For me, when I feel hungry, my body is telling me something.  I drink all of my water so I know I'm not thirsty.  I believe a better thought would be for me to think "I feel hungry, lunch is in two hours, I will eat this (insert piece of fruit) now in order to hold me over."  Things get dangerous when I get hungry and WW Simply Filling Technique has taught me how to be more aware of my hunger signals.  I know I get hungry at certain in-between meal times and if I'm prepared with a healthy snack that has been budgeted into my daily PointsPlus values then it shouldn't be a problem.

Now on to what I like.  I am a big believer in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  That is my general approach in my job (Music Therapist).  So I can see exactly how it will work for me.  Day 1 asks me to write down a list of reasons why I want to loose weight.  While the majority of them have to do with health reasons with a few vanity reasons sprinkled in, the number one reason is to not be obese for the rest of my life.  I have spent my entire life overweight or obese.  I cannot wait for the day when I've reached a healthy weight and have defeated obesity.  The task then asks you too read your list multiple times a day.  This will be helpful to me when I'm struggling in the afternoons (between lunch and dinner) and on the weekends.  I will chronicle my experience with the Beck Diet Solution as I am really looking forward to changing my thought process regarding food!

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